Friday, January 15, 2010

Internet games

We had Lola's aunt & uncle come into town for a visit this weekend. They brought with them some gifts for the girls. One of Lola's gifts was this stuffed animal (a deer, maybe?) that is part of the Littlest Pet Shop. They have a website where she entered her code that came with the toy and she was able to start playing all these games online. She hasn't really done that before and it was amazing how well she picked up learning how to navigate the laptop. She played games that allowed her to win coins and then take her coins to their little online "shop" and pretend buy items for her pet. It was great to see her evaluate the amount of her coins versus the amount of the item for sale that she wanted to buy. When she didn't have enough for a particular item, she would go earn more coins from playing the games and then go back to the "shop". She was so enthralled, she must have played all day!

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